Attendance and Absences
Regular attendance at school is essential for children to make proper progress. Parents will know that the DFE has issued very strict guidelines about absence from school. We expect children to attend school on a regular basis and will only authorise absences in cases of illness or other genuine circumstances. We do not authorise absence for family holidays. We aim for children to attend 100% of lessons. We will inform parents regularly if their children are not reaching this target. There will also be a breakdown of your child’s attendance with their school report at the end of the year. It is important to remember that lateness can also count as an absence and persistent absence is picked up by our Education Welfare Officer. Penalty notices may also be issued to parents of children whose attendance falls below acceptable levels. It is also important that children are collected on time after school. Our policy regarding this is on the school website and parents should be aware that under certain circumstances failure to collect children could result in Social Care being contacted.
However, we are pleased that the great majority of parents ensure that their children do attend school regularly and give the school sound reasons for any absences that their children might have.
Illness - should your child be ill during term time:
Please inform the school office before 9am every day of your child’s absence. The office will be open from 8.30am to take your calls on 01945 584591.
b. Parents will receive a text reminder to contact the school, followed by a phone call if we still do not hear from you. In some circumstances we will call at the family home if contact has not been made. If we are unable to make contact, the Police may be contacted to carry out a safe and well check.
c. If illness is persistent the school will ask for medical certificates.
Holiday requests
Any parent who takes a child out of school for term time leave for 6 consecutive sessions (3 days) or more, not authorised by the school (under exceptional circumstances rule), may receive a Penalty Notice.
Schools may also request prosecution, in exceptional circumstances where a parent takes a child out of school during term time for an extended period (20 days or more).
We follow the Wisbech Schools Partnership Policy. Further information can be found here: